Clovernook and the Trader Sisters

By: Sarah Staples, Helen Steiner Rice Archivist

Georgia, 埃菲, and Florence Trader, [1880?]. Cincinnati Museum Center. Clovernook Photo Collection (Backlog).
1876年1月30日,Georgia Duckworth Trader出生时视力受损. 她的妹妹和终身伴侣弗洛伦斯出生于1878年8月19日. There were two other Trader sisters; the oldest sister and well-known artist, 埃菲, and the youngest Trader sister, 刘易斯. All of the sisters were born in Xenia, OH.

孩提时代,乔治娅曾数次去辛辛那提接受眼科治疗. In 1885, 一次手术引起了感染,导致她在11岁时完全失明. With no suitable education facilities in Cincinnati, Georgia's mother, 伊丽莎白, 把她带到了哥伦布的俄亥俄盲人教育学院(后来更名为俄亥俄州立盲人学校). 由于不满意学校的条件,伊丽莎白决定和乔治亚一起回到辛辛那提. 伊丽莎白用纽约记分制自学了阅读和写作, which she then taught to Georgia. 乔治亚的家人,尤其是她的姐姐弗洛伦斯,确保了乔治亚过着正常的生活. 她学会了溜冰、跳舞、缝纫、弹钢琴和打牌. Georgia attended the school in Walnut Hills with Florence; she was the first blind child to attend public school. 弗洛伦斯和乔治亚后来从俄亥俄州辛辛那提市的阿姆斯特朗小姐学校毕业.

Photo of Georgia and Florence Trader, 1903. Cincinnati Museum Center. 海量存储系统(Mss)中1109. Clovernook School for the Blind Records: box 13, folder 1, item 1.

灵感来自于许多盲人无法接触到浮雕书的事实, 乔治亚和弗洛伦斯找到辛辛那提公共图书馆,想在辛辛那提为盲人建一座图书馆. After proving there was a need, 通过网上赌搏网站十大排行汉密尔顿县的400名盲人并观察他们的状况, 辛辛那提公共图书馆决定为盲人提供一个房间来存放书籍, but they would not provide funds for acquiring books. The Trader sisters raised money, bought the first 100 books, 并于3月19日成立了辛辛那提盲人图书馆协会, 1901. In addition to providing books for the blind, Georgia and Florence taught blind people how to read raised type, 针织, and sew at the library. Trader姐妹还与辛辛那提的有轨电车公司合作,为盲人和他们的导游提供免费车票,使他们能够到达图书馆.

Donations for Books, 1901-1902. Cincinnati Museum Center. 海量存储系统(Mss)中1109. Clovernook School for the Blind Records: box 6, folder 1.

In addition to their work with the Public Library, Trader姐妹勤奋工作,帮助辛辛那提的孩子们. In 1904, they used their influence to arrange for Dr. 弗兰克·菲尼免费为公立学校的孩子们做眼科检查. They hoped to prevent blindness caused by treatable eye diseases. 他们还利用自己的影响力使盲童能够上公立学校. Originally taught in a segregated classroom by a Miss Gaddum, 他们最终融入了普通学校. Trader姐妹还安排了盲童去公立学校上学的交通工具.

多年来,姐妹俩一直到盲人家中探访,她们意识到在教育之外,还需要为盲人做更多的事情. 许多盲人在离开学校后陷入贫困或被送进了医院, because they did not have an opportunity to earn a living. Hoping to bring some relief the Trader sisters opened Clovernook, an industrial home for the blind on May 8, 1903.

Photo of original Clovernook (later called Cary Cottage), n.d. Cincinnati Museum Center. Clovernook Photo Collection (Backlog).

这处房产最初是在1832年为罗伯特·卡里和他的9个孩子建造的, two of whom were the famous poets, Alice and Phoebe Cary. 威廉一个. Procter, a son of the Procter & Gamble co-founder, purchased the 26 acre Cary property, which included an eight room brick home, on March 11, 1903. 普罗克特从Trader姐妹早期建立辛辛那提盲人图书馆协会开始就一直在帮助她们.

Photo of Georgia Trader and 威廉一个. Procter, [1903?]. Cincinnati Museum Center. Clovernook Photo Collection (Backlog).

Photo of blind women outside original Clovernook building, n.d. Cincinnati Museum Center. Clovernook Photo Collection (Backlog).

克洛弗努克最初住着9个盲人妇女、一个护士长和一个做扫帚的盲人. 编织和其他工作最初是在谷仓里完成的,但很快就扩大了. Over the next 40 years, 在克洛弗努克的土地上建起了各种建筑,以容纳扩大的织造部门, embossed book printing (which started in 1913), and growing number of women who came to live at the home.

Photo of main Clovernook dormitory built in 1926, n.d. Cincinnati Museum Center. Clovernook Photo Collection (Backlog).

乔治娅认为,在克洛弗努克完成的工作对使盲人自给自足至关重要. “通过这种方式,我们认为可以让他们最幸福——通过给他们就业,从而有机会谋生,” (quote from untitled autobiography written by Georgia in 1908). 克洛弗诺克成为最大的凸版印刷材料出版商之一.

盲人女孩校对和纠正黄铜盲文板的照片,约. 1925. Cincinnati Museum Center. 海量存储系统(Mss)中1109. Clovernook School for the Blind Records: box 13, folder 18.

Photo of the Clovernook 网上赌搏网站十大排行, ca. 1925. Cincinnati Museum Center. 海量存储系统(Mss)中1109. 克罗诺克盲人学校档案:13号盒子,17号文件夹,第1项.

Photo of the Clovernook 网上赌搏网站十大排行, ca. 1940. Cincinnati Museum Center. 海量存储系统(Mss)中1109. 克罗诺克盲人学校档案:13号盒子,16号文件夹,第2项.

Photo of weaving department, ca. 1940. Cincinnati Museum Center. 海量存储系统(Mss)中1109. 克罗诺克盲人学校档案:13号盒子,17号文件夹,第2项.

Georgia Duckworth Trader died of a heart attack on March 12, 1944. Three months after her death, 她和弗洛伦斯被美国盲人基金会授予米格尔奖章. As her health began to fade, 1956年,弗洛伦斯将克洛弗努克的管理权移交给了董事会. Clovernook registered as a not-for-profit corporation in 1958. Florence Bishop Trader died on February 22, 1964. At the time of her death, 克洛弗诺克公司与政府签订了许多生产盲文书籍的合同, printed 12 million Braille pages annually, and printed 94,000 Braille serials.

In May 1963, on the 60th anniversary of Clovernook, the original cottage, later called the Cary Cottage, 是为了纪念Trader姐妹和Cary姐妹. 1973年,Clovernook不再使用Cary Cottage,并开始对该建筑进行重大修复. 他们的目标是让小屋恢复到凯里一家住在那里时的状态. 同样在1973年,卡里小屋被列入国家史迹名录. 1975年5月,卡里小屋作为历史建筑博物馆向公众开放. 1982年,卡里一家在卡里小屋/克洛弗努克举行了一次团聚.

Portraits of Alice Cary, left, and Phoebe Cary, right, 1850. Cincinnati Museum Center. Clovernook Photo Collection (Backlog).

Thanks to the work of the Trader sisters, and people like them, 大多数盲人和视障人士现在可以在自己家中独立生活. 虽然Clovernook不再是一个家,但它仍然是一个教育的地方, 占领, 为辛辛那提及周边地区的盲人和视障人士提供娱乐场所. Clovernook仍然是世界上最大的盲文生产商之一.

张贴在 Archives and manuscripts.